亚特兰大设计集团 will give you the upper hand in the competitive interior design 品牌推广及商业营销 environment. 我们的专业和量身定制的服务包括品牌, web开发, 电子邮件/社交媒体营销, print design, 演讲, 和效果图. ADG’s experience has given us both the technical skills and real-world expertise that positions you to reach and influence your current customers and attract new business, 快速有效.

What sets us apart from other marketing agencies is that we specialize in targeting the design/build industry. 在我们丰富的经验,作为合作伙伴支持公司的设计师, Builders, 和建筑师, we have spent years living and learning this market while perfecting our approach for targeting and identifying the customers you want to reach. Our team is at the forefront of new technology and is constantly adapting to integrate cutting-edge products and platforms that allow us to leverage your business to the Interior Design industry.

与ADG合作, a business that focuses exclusively on the design industry gives us insight into your target market that the average marketing agency just doesn’t have.  与我们合作, and you will receive tailored 品牌推广及商业营销 services that reflect and represent you creatively, 有效和动态.





当公司从事品牌发展时, they are investing in a process to secure their future profitability and sustainability. 在今天的过度拥挤, 过度和过度的市场, you must stand for something and differentiate yourself in a way that allows your target market to admire, 认识并将你的品牌融入他们的个人身份, 利益和业务要求.

这种方法有助于并影响购买决策. The outcome of brand development is to create a guide for your customers on how to think, feel and interact with your brand in a way that best benefits profitability and growth. 为了创造一个品牌, organizations must start with three basic concepts and ask the key questions related to them.


1. Positioning

你们的目标市场是什么? 在你的行业中,有哪些空间可以让你被人看到, 听说并记住了战略竞争优势? 人们怎么称呼你? How can you take an outside-in approach that helps you understand what your customers actually think, feel and do?


2. 品牌的意义

为你的品牌赋予意义……你怎么谈论它? 你觉得怎么样? 它看起来像什么,你代表什么? 你能在30秒内说些什么? 您的组织为什么以及如何真正使您的客户受益? 除了盈利之外,你存在的原因是什么?


3. 品牌交货

你如何传达你的品牌? 你在它周围放置了什么一致的参数? 你有什么方法可以利用它呢? 什么媒体和渠道最支持它? 你怎样才能让你的员工感受到你的品牌?


想想你的服务、产品或公司. 你有一个可靠的计划吗? 你能完整地回答上面的问题吗? Is your brand positioned correctly and being delivered efficiently to build brand equity? Whether you are a start-up or an established company that recognizes and understands the importance of brand development, we can help, 从开始到结束,跨越所有媒介.


亚特兰大设计集团提供广泛的营销服务. We strongly believe that for us to be successful, our clients need to be successful. Let our in-house marketing team help you build your brand and grow your business. 以下是我们的一些服务.


你公司的标志是你身份的重要组成部分. 这是顾客得到的第一印象, and the quality and design will dictate the initial perception your clients have about your business. A well designed professional logo makes all the difference and will set the tone of the image you want to present.

设计一个标志的过程往往过于简化, as a result the net is full of “logo design” websites where you can build your own from stock images, 字符和模板.  没有什么比剪切粘贴标识更业余的了, 这不是你想要的企业形象.  Proper logo design can take hours or even days of research and fine-tuning before the right identity is created that represents your company.  记住,第一印象只有一次机会.  设计一个标志,是最关键的时候聘请专业人士. 与我们经验丰富的平面设计师, 亚特兰大设计集团将为您打造并交付专业的设计, 高质量的标志,将留下持久的印象.


A company’s website is one of the most valuable assets when it pertains to growing your business and developing your brand. 我们生活在一个数字世界, 并且可以通过移动设备轻松访问全天候在线内容, 拥有一个有效的在线形象比以往任何时候都更加重要.

根据经验, the first step most consumers take when investigating a new company or looking for a service, 是谷歌一下. 如果你的企业没有在网上正确列出, 让你的公司排在第一页, 你在竞争中处于非常不利的地位. 如果一个潜在的客户找不到你的生意, 对他们来说,你不存在,你立刻失去了信誉.

亚特兰大设计集团专门从事在线营销和网站开发.  具体地说, we have spent years in this business developing our program that targets and identifies marketing opportunities and branding strategies specific to our interior design and construction/build clients. Whether you are in the start-up phase of a new business or embarking on a refresh/rebrand of your current businesses website, 这个过程可能看起来势不可挡. ADG为您提供整个过程的解决方案. 从概念到设计一个反映你品牌的网站, 设置网站的托管, doing the behind the scenes work to write the code we even go the extra mile and submit your site to various search engines like Google to ensure you are ranked for optimum exposure when potential clients search for you on-line.


在今天的数字世界里,印刷营销被认为是过时的. Well-designed print marketing consistently proves to have a higher engagement rate, 而不是它的数字版本.  Studies show Four-Fifths (79%) of consumers will act on a direct mail call to action immediately, 而只有45%的人会立即处理电子邮件. With the diverse digital avenues available for marketing like social media and google ad words, the competition for quality ranking is high and often your ad can be overlooked due to plain over saturation.

在亚特兰大设计集团, we understand how important the role print as a medium can play in your overall marketing strategy.  We also are experts at how to help you implement print into your digital marketing to optimize your engagement with your potential clients. 加上现代数码印刷技术的额外好处, 印刷材料的生产成本比以往任何时候都要便宜.

We offer full service graphic design for all your print marketing needs, including:

  • Brochures
  • Flyers
  • Direct Mail
  • 业务平稳
  • Posters
  • Signage
  • etc.

通过今天的社交媒体, 一个企业可以接触到成千上万的潜在客户, 使它成为任何营销计划的基本要素. 有这么多不同的社交网络, it can be difficult to determine what’s best for your business and how to properly integrate it to build your brand and develop clients.  One of our marketing specialties at 亚特兰大设计集团 is leveraging social media to not only increase followers but also convert them into clients. We offer a comprehensive social media package where we will create a plan specific to your needs that includes:

  • 选择合适网络的指导
  • 完成帐户的设置
  • 优化你的页面内容和图片
  • 创建一个定期发布的内容计划
  • 有针对性的广告活动,以获得流量和线索

ADG明白,社交媒体可能会让人不知所措. Let 亚特兰大设计集团 guide you through the process of making this service fun and easy to use and put it to work for your business.

